Language promotion through music

Language promotion through music

mimi Lou und Charlie Gru
Kinder mit Bakabu Büchern

The Bakabu method

  • The Bakabu songs are developed with the linguist Barbara Rössl-Krötzl.
  • Consequently, every song contains a linguistically based exercise.
  • The song topics are selected by pedagogical experts.
  • But the most imortant thing is:

Having FUN and deriving PLEASURE from the music … 
… as it is only in this way that children automatically acquire fundamental language skills when singing.

How can music promote linguistic development?

Interview with the linguist Barbara Rössl-Krötzl

Music supports learning

Children who regularly sing and make music have ...

  • significantly higher brain activity levels
  • clearly better reading and spelling skills
  • appreciably lower ADHS susceptibility
  • higher auditory and visual attention levels
  • better impulse control

The effect of musical activity on the brain development of children Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr Annemarie Seither-Preisler

Kleines Mädchen mit Kopfhörer

Vorteile für Lese-Rechtschreibkompetenz

Annemarie Seither-Preisler

The effect of musical activity on the brain development of children
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr Annemarie Seither-Preisler

Download PDF

Lesung mit Christian Tramitz

Widely used and award-winning

  • The Bakabu songs are already used by more than 350.000 children
  • In all kindergarten in Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Carinthia
  • In all Austrian remedial German classes
  • Acknowledged as excellent by the Austrian Language Skills Centre
  • Certified for inclusion in the official school book list

Elisabeth Yagci-Grobner

Educators report on their experiences with Bakabu in practice.

A visit to the studio

How the Bakabu songs came into being…

Bakabu-Lieder | Making of mit Manfred Schweng (Part 1)

Bakabu-Lieder | Making of mit Manfred Schweng (Part 2)

Bakabu-Lieder | Making of mit Manfred Schweng (Part 3)

Bakabu-Lieder | Making of mit Manfred Schweng (Part 4)

Bakabu-Lieder | Making of mit Manfred Schweng (Part 5)


The limits of my language...

... mean the limits of my world.

(Ludwig Wittgenstein)