Bakabu, the little earworm

Bakabu says Hello
All Bakabu-Songs und Audiobooks as Stream

Come with me to

All Bakabu songs and audio books are available here as a stream - for listening at home and on the go. So you always have your favorite songs and exciting adventures with you.

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For just EUR 16.99 you can listen to all songs and audio books for a whole year!

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Spielspaß mit Bakabu

Klang-Memory: Hör gut zu und erkenne die gleichen Klänge: Tiere, Musikinstrumente und Melodien.

Schatten-Memory: Schau genau und ordne die Figuren ihrem Schatten zu! Sind das Bakabu und seine Freunde oder Tiere?

In unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden. Drück den Button und los geht’s! Viel Spaß!

Zu den Spielen!

Icon: Singeland

Brand new!:

Bakabu Tonie

Finally the time has come. Bakabu is now also available as one of the popular Tonie audio figures! With the famous Bakabu songs for early language learning and a brand new audio book - read by Christian Tramitz, of course.


Bakabu the diver
All songs, books and audio books

Bakabu's treasures

Bakabu's songs are not only the catchiest tunes in Singeland, they also support children in their language development. Join Bakabu in his adventures: as exciting books or audio books, read by Christian Tramitz.

Bakabu und die Faschingsparty

ab 3 Jahren

Bakabu und die Weihnachtsglocke


Bakabu und das Sterne-Laternenfest

Bilderbuch für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

Bakabu auf der Suche nach dem Osterlied-Ei

Ostergeschichte für Kinder ab 3 Jahren
Kamishibai and live shows

Bakabu on Tour

Bakabu is going on a big tour through kindergartens, schools, bookstores and to all events where people like to sing. Actors and actresses come together to perfom in a giant Kamishibai and our entertainer Joe Joe Juggles performs fantastic musical shows for language promotion...

Come on in!

Bakabu singing
Mimi Lou & Charlie Gru
Everything is fun with music

Language training

The Bakabu songs were developed together with experts in linguistics and education. The songs deal with topics from the everyday life of children and thus provide linguistic tools, topic-specific vocabulary, correct sentence structure and basic grammatical structures.
