The Bakabu Team
Meet Bakabu´s parents!
Ferdinand Auhser
ProjectLead, Author, Administration
writes up the stories, the things which simply happen where we live in Singeland. Where does he know about them from?
Manfred Schweng
Composer, Texts, Music-Production
composes, sings, and writes the words for all the Bakabu songs. And then, on top of that, he plays most of the instruments too.
Arthur Lauber
Idea, Mentor
is a composer and the one who had the idea of composing language promotion songs in the first place. Brilliant, don’t you think?
Manuela Wildauer
Illustration, design, graphics
Manuela Wildauer has been working professionally with illustration and animation since 2014 as a trained media designer (HTBLVA Spengergasse, Vienna).
Jeremias Lindner
Illustration, Design, Grafics, Photo, Video
draws the pictures in the Bakabu books. You think that is really a lot! True!
Annemarie Seither-Preisler
Scientific consultant
Music psychologist,
lecturer at the Centre for Systematic Musicology, Graz. Doctorate in psychology, degree in biology (Mag.), both from the University of Graz
Barbara Rössl-Krötzl
Scientific coordination
Linguist. Degree in instrumental pedagogy and general linguistics
Elisabeth Yagci-Grobner
Pedagogical coordination
Sociologist, pratice and didactics teacher. Degree in sociology